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Where will my device work?
David Hagan avatar
Written by David Hagan
Updated over a year ago

All QuantAQ devices are internet-connected (IoT) devices that connect to the internet over the cellular network. The exact modem technology in your device depends on several factors including the product and serial number range. All QuantAQ devices utilize global SIM cards that connect to several providers in each location. Please see our coverage map for a detailed list of which countries and networks we support.

Despite technically having support in a region, there are times when we may not have connectivity in a specific location due to poor local cellular support. It can be difficult to know ahead of time whether or not this will be the case, especially in areas where new cellular technology is being rolled out.

If you are scoping a project and need to determine whether or not we will have connectivity in a region, please get in touch - we may have hand-held test devices that can be used to verify connectivity in a region.

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