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Introduction to Organizations and Networks
David Hagan avatar
Written by David Hagan
Updated over 2 months ago

Organizations and Networks form the foundation of collaboration on the QuantAQ Cloud.


An organization is the foundation of collaboration on the QuantAQ Cloud. Organizations own devices (i.e., air quality sensors) and are administered by one or more organization administrators. Organizations can organize devices and members into Networks with member permissions set at the network level. An organization can have as many Networks as needed, but a Network belongs to just one parent organization.

An organization centralizes device ownership and billing for multiple Networks.

When you log in to the QuantAQ Cloud, you will see your network landing page, where you can Create a Network (arrow) or navigate to an existing network within the currently selected organization. You can select the organization you are currently viewing by using the switcher outlined in the red box below.

Orgs + Networks Zendesk Images (2).png

Collaboration. If you plan to collaborate with others, you need to create an external Organization by clicking "Create a new Organization" in the switcher.

The navigation bar on the left-hand side of the screen under "Organization" in the image above provides navigation to pages within the organization you are currently viewing, including organization-owned devices (Devices) and organization members (Members), as well as to pages that include data downloads (Data), API keys (Developer), and organization settings (Settings) if you are an admin for the organization you are viewing.

For a walk-through of Organization navigation, please see the video below:


A network groups together related devices that are generally deployed in the same geographic area or for a similar application. Networks have many advantages:

  • Fleet health, so that you can view the status of a network over a period of time to understand what is and isn't working.

  • Network-level permissions, so that you can provide varying levels of access to different team members on a network level.

Within a network, you can add as many team members as you would like and set their permissions to one of: Operator, Researcher, or Viewer.


An operator is a member who is a researcher with additional permissions to edit devices, edit network settings, and invite and manage members.


A researcher is a member who can view devices, download data, and access all raw, uncalibrated data for devices that belong to a given network.


A viewer is a member who can view devices and download data for a given network.

For an overview of navigating Networks, please see the video below:

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Can a device belong to more than one organization?

No. A device can belong to only one organization. However, they can be transferred between organizations.

Can a device belong to more than one network at a time?

No. A device can only belong to one network at a time. However, they can be transferred between networks.

Can I have more than one admin for an organization?

Yes. You can have as many admins as you would like for an organization and as many operators as you would like for a network. To add or manage admins, see this article.

Can I view the fleet health for all devices across an organization at once?

No. At this time, it is only possible to view the fleet health for a single network at a time. To view all devices at once, you can check out your map view.

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